Another Casino on the A33?

A33 Casino Location Unit 7 Rose Kiln LaneAs many of you know, I make it a habbit of trawling through planning applciations to see if there is anything that affects the ward of Whitley.  In my search I have found a planning application (App no 11/01907/FUL) by Grosvenor Casino Ltd to change the use of Unit 7 Rose Kiln Lane (formally the Peter Green Furniture Store).  Technicaly its in the ward of Southcote but it’s proximity to our ward means its relavent to residents who use the A33.

The proposal, to be discussed at the Planning Applications Committee on Wednesday 4th April 2012 at 6.30pm, is set as “..Change of use to a Casino including associated changes to the façade and extension to the entrance, extension of the existing mezzanine floor, erection of a smoking terrace and alterations to the car park…”

The report to be discussed reccomends permission to be granted subject to consideration of a Screening Option and conditions to include:

  1. TL1 – Full 3 years
  2. AP1 – Approved plans
  3. Materials as submitted
  4. C5 – Construction Method Statement
  5. C1 – Limit on hours of construction and demolition – standard hours
  6. TR8 – Vehicle parking before occupation – approved plans
  7. Car Park / Delivery Management Plan to be submitted for approval prior to occupation
  8. Travel Plan to be submitted for approval prior to occupation
  9. Bicycle storage to be submitted for approval prior to occupation
  10. Noise assessment for plant to be submitted for approval prior to occupation
  11. Development in accordance with Arboricultural Report
  12. L1 – Landscaping details to be submitted
  13. L2 – Landscaping – implementation of approved details
  14. Bat survey to be submitted for approval prior to commencement
  15. LTG1- External Lighting to be submitted for approval prior to occupation
  16. CCTV scheme to be submitted for approval prior to occupation

According to the report, reading Borough Council’s Licensing Department have confirmed that the following license have been granted for the operation of the building as a casino:

  • Gambling Licence – This allows a site to be used solely for a casino and permits the provision of gambling facilities 24 hours per day.
  • Premise licence – This allows music, a stage area, live performance and late night refreshment; the premise licence has been granted for these uses 24 hours a day, while the sale of alcohol has been granted between the hours of 10am and 6am each day.

A public consultation was carried at 25 – 27, Cadogan House, Lex Reading, MVf, Matalan Rose Kiln Lane; Harveys, Rosebys, Magnet from Reading Link Retail Park were notified by letter, and a site notice posted on site. No letters of comment have been received.

The report does remember that the “Racino” complex has been permitted on the former trail park noth of Island Road, opposite the Kennet Island Development.  But it also seems to forget how close that would be to the proposed casino!  Grosvenor casino has advised the council that the Casino Market has evolved, needing larger premises, and “…would not compete directly with the other existing casinos as it is a different type of casino venue with a different offer to the existing casino facilities, and would be in a different area of Reading…”

I guess we live to see the similarities and differences between this planned Casino and the Racino complex.  It would bring new jobs into the area which can only be a good thing and thankfully, most casino users would use the facilities during the evening meaning an increase traffic would be unlikely during peak times.  Though with the addition of the Racino and the promxity of the football stadium, will the A33 cope?  I guess we just have to wait and see.