Recomendation to Grant permission for crech on Kennet Island

At the next Planning Meeting of Reading Borough Council which take place on March 6th, the proposed Kennet Island Creche / Children’s daycare centre is set to be recommended for approval.  The recomendation is to:

“…Delegate to Head of Planning and Building Control to (i) GRANT planning permission subject to completion of a Deed of Variation to the s106 legal agreement associated with planning permission 08/00452/FUL by 27th March 2013, or (ii) REFUSE permission should the Deed of Variation not be completed by 27th March 2013 (unless the Head of Planning and Building Control agrees to a later date for completion of the Deed of Variation)…”

The Heads of Terms for the Deed of Variation would secure:

1) That the proposed crèche/children’s daycare centre shall form part of the phased provision of 724sq m of ‘Community Centre’ floorspace at Kennet Island as agreed under planning permissions 08/00452/FUL and 09/00181/FUL;

2) The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until a Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. In compliance with Reading Borough Core Strategy Policy CS23: Sustainable Travel and Travel Plans, the travel plan shall include:

i. a full analysis of the proposed modal split for staff at the crèche,

ii. reasons for the modal choice,

iii. detailed proposals for future transport provision with the aim of securing reduction in car trips generated to and from the crèche, and

iv. an initial travel survey (carried out within 3 months following occupation) which shall include a detailed survey of the number of movements generated by the crèche.

3)  There shall be an annual review of the Travel Plan, which shall include a detailed survey of the number of movements generated by the crèche. This shall be compared with the initial survey (the ‘control level’) carried out under the terms of 2) iv. above and in the event of any reduction not being secured the crèche shall undertake whatsoever measures, as may first have been agreed in writing by the local planning authority, as are necessary to cause a reduction in the number of car borne trips to, as a maximum, the control level. This may include such options as a greater provision of subsidised transport in order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway in compliance with Core Strategy Policy CS23: Sustainable Travel and Travel Plans.

If such an agreement is entered into, planning permission shall include the following conditions and informatives:

Conditions to include:

  • TL1 – Full 3 years.
  • AP1 – Development as per approved plans.
  • M2 – Details to be submitted.
  • Use restricted to a creche/children’s daycare centre (D1).
  • Restriction on hours of operation between 07:00hrs and 19:00hrs Mon – Fri and 08:00hrs – 16:00 hrs on Saturdays. No opening on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
  • Restriction on use of external play area between 09:00hrs and 17:00hrs Mon – Fri.
  • No development until details of acoustic attenuation system (to ensure ‘good’ levels as recommended in BS8233 are achieved in adjacent premises) have been submitted and approved. Approved acoustic attenuation measures to be installed prior to first occupation.
  • C1 – Limit on hours of construction and demolition – standard hours.
  • Submission of an amended Community Centre Management Plan to incorporate the proposed crèche/children’s daycare centre.
  • Units 6 and 7 not to be occupied until vehicle parking spaces provided and made available for use.
  • External glazed screen to be removed upon cessation of the crèche use.

The proposed creche would be open to the general public but would offer preferential rates to Kennet Island Residents.  The report to be discussed at the Planning Meeting says that the £4.50 per hour rate has been reduced to £4.00 per hour for residents.

I did send a letter in support of the application but I did remind officers that St James would need to address the ongoing parking issues so that members of public who do not live on the development could park to drop their children off without affecting other residents.  There are some visitors spaces around the piazza but these are often taken up by St James visitors and Hallmark Staff who sem to park there permanently rather than the commercial bays.  I’m pleased to see reference to parking in the report.   I also raised that St James needed to consult more with residents about the use of Community Space for residents.

Whilst I do not have children myself, I do feel that this is a much needed amenity and I look forward to Reading Borough Council addressing other much needed amentities such as schools for once the users of the Creche reach school age.

The full report to be presented can be found here