Gillette Way Update

Junction between Gillette Way and Manor Farm Road by Kennet IslandAs many of you will know from Kennet Island Update, I launched a petition to fight for improvements to Gillette Way and the junction to Manor Farm Road.  I had set up a petition at and although this is still yet to be presented, the TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY PANEL met on the 15th March 2012 to discuss this very subject (minus the crossing).  The report reads:

“…due to the relatively quiet nature of Gillette Way outside of normal working hours, drivers of articulated vehicles tended to use the road as an overnight parking facility. The existing waiting restrictions permitted this as they only applied during the day. However, since the introduction of the Kennet Island development, the use of Gillette Way and many of the surrounding roads had considerably altered, with regular trips made throughout the day by residents on foot, by car or on the new public transport links. This change had resulted in the overnight parking along Gillette Way causing considerable obstruction along its length, and in particular to the bus services. Therefore, it was proposed to review the existing waiting restriction with a view to altering the hours of operation to protect the route…”

The report recommended:

“…(1) That, in consultation with the Chair of the Panel, the Lead Councillor for Regeneration, Transport and Planning and Ward Councillors, the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to include these requests as part of the 2012 annual waiting restrictions review, and make the appropriate traffic regulation order in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;
(2) That any objections received to the traffic regulation order, be reported to the Panel at the appropriate time…”

This report will be presented to Reading Borough Council Cabinet on 16th April 2012 at 6.30pm.

Whether someone had noticed that I and others here on Kennet Island were campaigning for this and wanted to act prior to the submission of our petition is irrelavent as at least some sort of action is being taken.  Sadly, there is no mention of a safe crossing which I will of course pursue.